Fruit Facial Kit, a rejuvenating journey that brings the...
₹ 2000 ₹ 1600
Introducing Kayna Mango Bleach Cream, a unique formula that not only lightens your skin and facial hair but also nourishes it with the goodn...
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Delivery From : 2 - 5 days
Mango Bleach Cream, a unique formula that not only lightens your skin and facial hair but also nourishes it with the goodness of natural mango extracts.
Benefits for the skin and hair. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can help repair damaged skin and improve skin texture. With Kayna Mango Bleach Cream, you can now enjoy the benefits of this super fruit in your skincare routine.
Fruit Facial Kit, a rejuvenating journey that brings the...
₹ 2000 ₹ 1600
Vitamin C Facial Kit, a radiant solution designed to inf...
₹ 1500 ₹ 1275
Bridal Facial Kit, a meticulously curated collection des...
₹ 1500 ₹ 1275
Pearl Facial Kit, a luxurious journey that brings the op...
₹ 1500 ₹ 1275